The Cast Of ‘The Americans’ Keeps A ‘Felicity Wall’ As A Tribute To Keri Russell

For as great as she has been as Elizabeth Jennings on the FX series The Americans, it’s hard not to look at Keri Russell and always think, “Hey, it’s Felicity!” I’m sure she’d love it if we forgot and focused on the more current look, but I can’t even write a short post about her without finding this picture of Russell with Joey Lawrence from 1994* and feeling like someone just beat me with a sack full of slap bracelets and Z. Cavariccis. But if we were under the impression that Russell can at least escape her pop culture past on the set of her own show, we were wrong. We were oh so very wrong.

TV Line’s Michael Ausiello got to take a look behind-the-scenes on the set of The Americans, and what he discovered in the hair and makeup trailer might be enough to make the biggest Felicity fans explode with joy. It turns out that the cast of the show keeps a “Felicity Wall” that features photos of everyone from Matthew Rhys (Phillip Jennings) to Russell’s own daughter Willa rocking the curly Felicity wig. It’s all fun and games until Russell eventually shows up and chops all of the wigs up.




*Seriously, that banner image is incredible. It might become my new desktop wallpaper for at least the next week.