Nobody Panic But The ‘Mr. Show’ Gang Are All Together And Promising Something Vague On Twitter

It’s New Year’s Eve afternoon, and there’s not much going on. Nope, not much going on in the news at all. So basically, what better time to sneakily DROP A FREAKING BOMBSHELL ON TWITTER ABOUT THE POSSIBLE RETURN OF MR. SHOW IN 2015?????????

*runs around screaming*

If you’re counting, yes, those are six original cast members of Mr. Show in the same room together: Bob Odenkirk, David Cross, Paul F. Tompkins, Jay Johnston, Brian Posehn, and Eric Hoffman — in addition to two other guys we’re trying to identify. Is the guy in the sunglasses Scott Aukerman? And who is the tall guy in the back? [UPDATE: Yes that is Aukerman in the sunglasses and the tall guy is Bob Odenkirk’s brother — thank you friendly UPROXX commenters and my friend Jon Rosenberg.]

I MEAN SH*T. What am I doing sitting here not drinking the champagne I was planning to bring to a New Year’s party tonight when there is something that clearly needs celebrating RIGHT NOW THIS VERY INSTANT. If you’ll excuse me, going to get champagne drunk now. Happy New Year!