Watch George Clooney As ‘George Oceans Gravity’ In This Delightful ‘Downton Abbey’ Spoof

Earlier this month, George Clooney appeared in a teaser for a Downton Abbey spoof for charity. The full video ran over the weekend on British network ITV’s annual Text Santa fundraiser, and it is delightful as all hell.

In the spoof of It’s a Wonderful Life, Lord Grantham loses his fortune and ends up wishing that he’d never lived. In that Wonderful Life alternative timeline, George Clooney appears in his place, as his wife’s new husband, George Oceans Gravity, Lord of Hollywood. He makes out with Cora. Thomas the footman attempts to kiss him, and The Dowager Countess rolls off the couch and faints when Clooney kisses her on the hand. Clooney even poses for a 1920s selfie.

Jeremy Piven is also featured in the first half as his Mr. Selfridge character, but honestly, the Clooney stuff is the best part, so if you want to skip to the 5:00 mark to watch his two-and-a-half minute appearance, all you need to know is that Lord Grantham is witnessing what life might be look at Downton without him (spoiler: It was gone to “rack and ruin”).

I gotta say, if Clooney had kissed a few hands and made out with a few more people, he might have gotten at least ONE person to sign his petition to have The Interview released in theaters.

Via Deadline