The Walking Lulz: The Internet’s Funniest Reactions To This Week’s ‘Walking Dead’

It’s another week of the Walking Lulz, a wrap-up of the best GIFs, photoshops, and whatevers made by you, The Walking Dead fans. This week, cracks started to appear in Alexandria’s serene appearance, and we will crack you up with these dank memes, which I promise are funnier than that last jokepun. By the false light of Satan’s apostles, I think we all need a couple of laughs after You Know What.

Much thanks to /r/thewalkingdead, TheWalkingDeadMemebase, Walking-Dead-Memes, cvasquez, and fpssledge for this week’s material.

Via /r/thewalkingdead, TheWalkingDeadMemebase, Walking-Dead-Memes, cvasquez, and fpssledge