The Walking Lulz: The Internet’s Best Memes, GIFs, And Videos From The ‘Walking Dead’ Season Premiere

After several months between seasons and a less than meme-spiring Fear the Walking Dead run, The Walking Lulz is back! Our goal is to scour the internet to bring together the best memes, GIFs, and videos by fans for each episode of The Walking Dead, and you guys didn’t disappoint for the season premiere. So, let’s do this! We’ve got a buttload of memey goodness to get to and no time for a dry run!

That’s it for this week. We’re back every week for the rest of the season, and if that ain’t enough for you, check out our backlog of season five Walking Lulz posts. Or our Game of Lulz posts, which are about – you guessed it – Game of Thrones.

Big thanks to all the fans who created these hilarious memes, especially the folks at The Walking Dead Memes, /r/TheWalkingDead, and Tumblr’s CorlGrimes also wins one of Carol’s delicious cookies for making a bunch of great GIFs. Until next time… when I’m pretty sure everyone is gonna die.