50 Days of ‘Futurama’

Season 7 of “Futurama” debuts on June 23rd, and Comedy Central is gearing up for it by posting one clip from the new season every day until the premiere. Above is the first such clip, which shows the characters after they’ve had a gender swap (Leela’s always been kind of a dude, anyway).

You can follow the new scenes as they get posted at this link, although that seems a little excessive. Don’t get me wrong: I like “Futurama,” but I don’t think we need FIFTY days of build-up to it. I mean, Christians only take 40 days to get ready for Easter, and that involved the Son of God getting nailed to a cross to absolve the sins of all mankind. I don’t exactly think “Futurama” deserves the same kind of pageantry. (Although, like Jesus, it did come back from the dead.)

[Comedy Central Insider via TDW]