A ‘Glee’ Lady Gaga Episode. Of Course.

If there’s one thing that “Glee” is really good at, it’s putting aside plot and character development in order to have standalone episodes dedicated to a single pop star in which the singer’s top hits are awkwardly shoehorned into a clunky premise. On that note, get ready for a 90-minute Lady Gaga episode on April 26th.

In the “Born This Way” episode, MR. SCHUESTER (Matthew Morrison) teaches the glee club a valuable lesson about self-acceptance and embracing what makes you unique through the music of Lady Gaga. [HeldenFiles]

…and then they all go out for ice cream.

It’s my understanding that this will feature Gaga’s music but not an appearance from the star herself, making it more like the Madonna episode than the Britney Spears episode. Which seems fitting, since Gaga is just ripping off Madonna’s songs anyway.