Air Walter Whites to Glare Menacingly at You This Christmas Season

Some time in the next two weeks, or at least before Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, we’ll post our holiday gift guide, which will certainly include this and probably include this, too. But we haven’t decided which Timothy Olyphant poster to include yet, so for now, you’ll have to settle for some Walter White and Dexter high-tops.

Jon Defreest, the artist behind the “I Just Blue Myself” and “All of the Bacon and Eggs You Have” fake Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavors, created “Breaking Bad,” “Dexter,” and “Walking Dead”-inspired Chuck Taylor’s for, and they’re all pretty great. (Even if Michael C. Hall looks a bit like Javier Bardem.) My suggestion: buy the “Walking Dead” shoes and put a “Breaking Bad” logo on them – BOOM, you’ve got your very own Gus Fring kicks.

[Via A.V. Club]