Let’s Liveblog Wednesday’s Geeky TV: ‘Arrow’ Goes To The Mayor

Last week, Arrow brought in Jeri Ryan to show that only some nutjob with a complete death wish would run for mayor of Star City. And since it’s not like this show has any shortage of those, Ollie is putting his hat in the ring. Also, Laurel and Thea had the terrible idea of stealing Sara’s corpse, which they then acted on, because those two have never had a bad idea they didn’t implement right away.

This episode will have two plotlines: While Laurel, Thea, and Sara’s corpse star in Weekend at Nanda Parbat as they try to get Nyssa to revive her, Ollie has to somehow re-earn Diggle’s trust as they fight Double Down, a character mostly notable for a hilarious Notes section on his wiki page. Interestingly, this is the one of the few times the team has gone up against a straight-up, no-B.S. supervillain; everybody to this point has been a crime lord or on steroids or something.

How will they handle the tonal shift? Can Diggle love again after Ollie broke his heart? Will that wiki editor be right about the gambling puns? Is there anything more dangerous than Felicity with a machine gun? Let’s find out tonight, starting at 8 p.m. EST. Join us, won’t you?