Corgi Friday: This Dog Survived an Avalanche

For this week’s Corgi Friday, instead of a huge gallery of cute pictures or a video set to an old pop song, I bring you the story of Ole, a Welsh Corgi who survived an avalanche.

A dog that was feared dead after he was swept away in a weekend avalanche that killed his owner showed up four days later at the Montana motel where his owners had stayed the night before going backcountry skiing.

Search and rescue team member Bill Whittle said he was “positive” that the Welsh corgi — named Ole — had been buried in Saturday’s avalanche.

“The avalanche guys were up there on Monday investigating and they were looking for the dog too and never seen any signs,” he said.

But on Wednesday, Ole showed up exhausted and hungry back at the motel, four miles from where the slide occurred, the Billings Gazette reported. [Yahoo]

I want to be careful not to bury the lede here: this story is a tragedy, first and foremost. The dog’s owner who was killed in the avalanche, Dave Gaillaird, was a husband and father, and he left behind an 11-year-old daughter. In perspective, the whole thing is heartbreaking. But to the extent Ole’s amazing four day, Homeward Bound-style journey through the snow brought the family any solace in a difficult time, it is fantastic. So here’s to you, Ole. For a stubby-legged, furry little dog, you are more of a man than I will ever be.

Thanks to reader Chris for the tip