Dave Chappelle Wants To Be ‘The First Black Guy To F*ck Olivia Pope’ On ‘Scandal’

After months of not telling any cities to f*ck off, Dave Chappelle has been named one of GQ‘s Men of the Year, joining handsome goofball Chris Pratt, not-a-man Shailene Woodley, and the world’s most influential unemployed football player, Michael Sam. The whole interview’s worth a read — it begins with a Tribe Called Quest song alarming everyone at the Beverly Hills Four Seasons (god I hope it was “Show Business”) — but here’s the most TV-relevant passage.

What’s another thing on that bucket list?

For one year, I want to do this thing where I guest-star on as many television shows as I possibly can. I love television. The fact that television ultimately made me famous was very gratifying for me. Chris Tucker did it in movies, and Chris Rock did it from his stand-up, which was very impressive. But you know, the thing that people most will remember me for is Chappelle’s Show. If I were to never do anything else, that show would be a culmination of what was a very long and tedious process of me learning how to be in the television business.

So if you could choose, what shows would you guest-star on?

I’d be a zombie in The Walking Dead. A corpse on CSI. I’d be the first black guy to f*ck Olivia Pope on Scandal…(Via)

Don’t stop there, Chappelle. Keep going. A friend of Gretchen’s who Lindsay bones on You’re the Worst. Ass Dan’s cousin Anus Anthony on SNL. Jimmy Pesto’s accountant on Bob’s Burgers. A Russian spy who’s actually working for Canada on The Americans. A jock who punches ALL the nerds on The Big Bang Theory. The possibilities are endless. Especially that last one.

Via GQ