Ferguson Will Air ‘Dr. Who’ Number


Craig Ferguson filmed this “Doctor Who”-themed cold open for the “Late Late Show” a month ago, but it never aired because it used the “Doctor Who” theme music, and British lawyers were all “Oi guvna, that’s right copyrigh’ed material, it is!” Or something to that effect. All I know for sure is that they had powdered wigs.

Anyway, Ferguson has confirmed that this cold open will air on Thursday’s show, so… that’s cool, I guess. I’m sorry, if there are two types of TV shows I’m slow to like, it’s sci-fi stuff and British shows. Put them together, and it’s almost a guarantee I’ll never watch it. Then tell me that I HAVE to watch it, and I never will. So just stuff it up George III’s skeleton butt next to the Stamp Tax, because I’ve got my hands full barely tolerating American geeks.