Patton Oswalt Uses The Perfect Analogy To Describe ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’

It’s no secret that Patton Oswalt is a huge nerd, (or maybe he isn’t?) and that’s part of his charm. He knows his stuff, and while Oswalt is a comedian first, the guy can really make a point when it comes to the subject of midichlorian counts, intergalactic trade embargoes and the subtle use of cocaine off a lightsaber. His geeky and 100% improvised Parks and Rec filibuster is a high water mark in nerd-dom, and even the most pasty basement-dwellers would have a tough time topping that rant.

So when Patton Oswalt has thoughts on The Force Awakens – you should listen. Tonight he stopped by Conan and the highlight of his visit was a perfect analogy for the evolution of Star Wars. When the original trilogy came out, it was the late 70’s and early 80’s. Things were wild, people were getting weird and partying was the norm. Then, Star Wars grew up, started thinking about its time in this galaxy far, far away, probably went on a diet and to the voting booth – lest the intergalactic senators get too comfortable with their powers. All the while, Star Wars got a little too cheesy and out of touch.

But The Force Awakens is a return to the fast and loose old days, but modern. Kind of Like Kevin Spacey in American Beauty.

(Via Team Coco)

Now Watch: Here’s What You Didn’t Know About ‘The Force Awakens’