Friday Conversation: Which TV Characters Would You Invite To Happy Hour?

This is the scenario: You are going to Happy Hour at your favorite bar/restaurant/wherever. You get there early and grab a table for four. The other three seats can be filled by any three television characters — living, dead, current, past — of your choosing. Who do you pick?

Feel free to make this as easy or difficult as you like. Wanna try to create a fun group based on how the characters might interact with each other? Go nuts. Wanna throw caution to the wind and put, like, Raylan Givens at the same table as Tony Soprano, consequences be damned? Hey, it’s your table and/or funeral, pal. Don’t let me tell you how to set the guest list. Just give me a heads up so I can imbibe at an establishment that will be less, as the Ancient Greeks used to say, super-bullet-y.

Here’s my table:

– Thomas Magnum, Magnum, P.I.
– Sandy Cohen, The O.C.
– Boyd Crowder, Justified

My thinking here is twofold. First, I think it would be fun, and I feel like any concerns about Boyd shooting or robbing us all might be offset by having a public defender and laid-back private eye at the table. I think they would get along, provided we could steer the conversation in the right direction. Second, between the three of them, that’s a pretty remarkable mustache, eyebrows, and hair collection. I must unlock their secrets.