Thanks To Our Wonderful UPROXX Readers, $10,000 Has Been Donated To Worthy Causes

You may recall shortly before Christmas we asked you guys to pledge to go out and do some good in the world. In exchange for promising to do so, the lovely folks at Guinness were going to cut us a check for up to $10,000 for us to donate to the charities of our choosing.

Well, guess what? We did it! Even better, we’ve already received the check for $10,000 from Guinness AND we’ve recently sent checks out to the four very worthy causes which will benefit. They are…

1/4 went to the The Humane Society. We all love animals around here and these folks do God’s work.

1/4 went to Foster Care For Success. As our own Robopanda described it, “They help out kids who have aged out of foster care without being adopted. Normally, 50% of these kids will be homeless within 6 months of aging out of the system.”

1/4 went to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Because we all know all too well how lacking this country is in services to the mentally ill.

1/4 went to the Wounded Warrior Project. Because too many of our country’s finest men and women are not getting the help they need upon returning injured from war zones.

Thanks again for all of your pledges. You guys, as always, are great. Follow Liz Lemon’s lead and give yourselves high-fives.