‘K-Town’ Looks Like a Sexy Train Wreck

Although MTV has yet to officially pick it up, there’s been a lot of buzz on the internet about “K-Town,” the reality show modeled after “Jersey Shore” that focuses on a group of hard-partying Korean-Americans in Los Angeles. Below is the newly-released “sizzle reel,” which — if my Hollywood jargon is correct — is somewhere between a teaser and a trailer. And it’s truly a delight.

The clip starts with all the statistics about how Asian-Americans are the “perfect” minority — they’re better educated than the average American, earn more money, make sexier porn, are better violin players, etc. — and then *RECORD SCRATCH*! Cut to: sexy Asian girl grinding on another girl! Ripped abs! Underwear! Girls making out! SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS! It really is like “Jersey Shore” — except the people are attractive and have college degrees.

Video via BuzzFeed. And in case you missed it, here’s the cast reel that was made from the audition tapes: