Let’s Liveblog Tonight’s Geeky TV: Why, Hello There, ‘Agents Of SHIELD’

Agent Carter has wrapped up, and Agents of SHIELD is picking up where it left off. But where did it leave off? Let’s go through a refresher, shall we?

The first half of the season closed with a few fairly shocking developments. First of all, the seeming season-long villain, HYDRA poobah Whitehill, got his ticket unceremoniously punched by Coulson. Ward, who spent the first half of the season mostly being a creepy stalker for Skye, also managed to get shot, and was rescued by Whitehill’s pet brainwashee Agent 33. Those two teaming up is not going to end well.

Oh, and, also, the show managed to turn both the wily villain Raina and the formerly annoying and now useful Skye, actually named Daisy Johnson, into Inhumans, which will have some far reaching consequences since they’re getting their own movie. Pretty much the entire show has been building up to this point, which leaves us with the question… what next?

Well, we’ll find out tonight, as we liveblog it all, starting at 9pm EST. Join us, won’t you?