Louis C.K.’s Story About Finding A Dead Body In The River Is All Things Louis C.K.

Our (read: my) regular frustrations (read: blind rage) with CBS’s video policies are well-documented so I won’t go down that path again, but this clip of Louis telling Letterman about recently discovering a dead body while boating around Manhattan wasn’t available when Ned posted the Andrew Dice Clay bit last night, and still isn’t available on YouTube because why would the internet be interested in sharing a video of Louis C.K. and David Letterman talking about finding a floater in the river? I’m convinced I’m just personally being trolled at this point.

Anyhoo, there’s not much I want to add to the story itself other than it is pretty much classic and perfect Louis C.K. in that it’s comedy meets depressing reality meets Louis wondering if he should snap a picture of the guy with his phone. If it’s not a full episode of Louie next season I’m going to be seriously bummed.

UPDATE: Now with YouTube! The people have spoken!

“It was creepy and weird and I felt embarrassed for him a little bit.” – Louis C.K. on finding a floater.