This Is Heavy: ‘Luke Cage’ Has A Wild ‘Back To The Future’ Easter Egg

Luke Cage premiered on Netflix last Friday, and eagle-eyed viewers are already spotting Easter eggs. Most of those Easter eggs refer to other Marvel properties, but one of them presupposes, what if Back To The Future took place in the Marvel universe?

In episode 10, Misty Knight is looking for articles about Luke in old Georgia newspapers. The filler text in one of those newspapers includes a sly McFly reference, as found by Reddit. Luke Cage had to change the names slightly, most likely for legal reasons, but it still serves as a funny nod to the constantly-changing newspaper clippings in the Back To The Future series:

Here’s what the filler article on the right side says, as transcribed by Comics Alliance:


Local Inventor Receives Civic Award

Local inventor Martin Brown was recognized for his contributions to science at the 35th annual Benefactor’s Ball here in Savannah last Thursday. Brown, a lifelong resident of the community, has recently developed what he calls the “Thrust Capacitor,” a device that desalinizes ocean water for repurposing. It also is the device that could one day make time travel possible. “We currently don’t have the resources to make this type of travel possible, but one day, when plutonium is available at every corner drugstore, perhaps that day, we could achieve it.”

Brown has always been known for his impulsive and sometimes bombastic behavior, but he was all smiles when he received the Savannah Civic Award in Scientific Achievement. Brown went under fire in 1985 for including a teenaged boy in his experiments. Many onlookers thought that Brown perhaps had an inappropriate relationship with Mac Fly, a high school student from neighboring town Mill Valley. “The Doc and me have always been–“

Well, that escalated quickly.

There are a lot more Easter eggs where that one came from. Here’s a video laying out some of the many references to other Marvel movies and shows, which includes Jessica Jones spoilers and plenty of “Sweet Christmas.”

(Via Comics Alliance, Reddit, and Mr Sunday Movies)