Morning Links: Sharky Seems Cool

Chicks, man. Sharky the pit bull is super chill. [cooldogs]

Two great tastes that go great together. The Obamas hang with England’s royal family. [Uproxx]

Solitaire, huh? Wow, I can barely believe that the woman with a cat is playing a one-person card game. [PetSugar]

‘You can’t park here!’ An Uproxx original supercut investigates an unrealized movie cliche. [FilmDrunk]

An oral history of the making of A Clockwork Orange. “And the first thing that flashed into my gulliver was that I’d like to have her right down there on the floor with the old in-out, real savage.” [Gamma Squad]

The Tom Brady Waterslide Meme was inevitable. Enjoy it all here before you get tired of it. [With Leather]

Tornadoes are a total buzzkill. Depressing before and after photos of the devastation in Joplin. Missouri: the “show me the wreckage” state. [BuzzFeed]

Reminder: ‘American Idol’ sucks. Because retards need to follow along, every song ends with the title of the song. [fourfour]

13 talk shows that died during Oprah’s reign. Whoa, Caroline Rhea had a talk show? [TV Squad]

(via bunnyfood)