Rob Schneider Says Bill Murray ‘Absolutely Hated’ Some ‘SNL’ Stars, But Especially Chris Farley

Bill Murray calling Chevy Chase a “medium talent” is still the funniest behind-the-scenes SNL drama from that era, but Rob Schneider claimed on The Jim Norton and Sam Roberts Show that Murray’s disdain extended beyond the Caddyshack legend.

“He hated us on Saturday Night Live when he hosted. Absolutely hated us. I mean, seething,” Schneider said, referencing Murray’s February 20, 1993 gig as host on the show. “He hated Chris Farley with a passion. Like he was just seething looking at him. I don’t know exactly, but I want to believe that it’s because Chris thought it was cool to be Belushi, who [was Murray’s] friend who he saw die, that he thought it was cool to be that out of control. That’s my interpretation, but I don’t really know. I don’t believe it. I only believe it 50 percent.”

Schneider also claimed that Murray disliked Sandler because of clashing styles. On the one hand: duh. On the other, it’s nicely convenient for Schneider to appreciate being hated less by his hero than his former colleagues. Not that being hated less is much of a claim to fame. After all, eventually, Murray made up with Chevy.

Schneider’s comments ride a wave of news about Murray’s alleged inappropriate behavior on the set of Aziz Ansari’s feature debut Being Mortal, which has resulted in a $100,000 settlement for a production staffer — a situation which seems more serious than thinking Adam Sandler singing “turkey lurkey schmurkey” is lame.

(via The Hollywood Reporter)