Still looked better than Alicia Silverstone

“Arrested Development” star Jeffrey Tambor showed up on last night’s “The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson” as Batgirl in a The Brave and the Bold-style team-up with Craig Ferguson, dressed like Paul McCartney dressed like Jessica Fletcher (and acting like Craig Ferguson) in the 2010 remake of “Murder She Wrote.” I’m pretty sure the Lobster Dog is supposed to be in that picture, I’m just not great at photoshop.

Craig Ferguson is simultaneously making the most subversive and least challenging program in modern television. The show has always toed the line between Un Chien Andalou surrealism and Jason Mewes butthole farting, so explaining the gentle nature of this sketch would work to destroy it. Wait, no it wouldn’t, the explanation is “Craig Ferguson does random things, then laughs about it.” Watch:

Tambor’s Batgirl is almost as ineffective as the real one from the 1960s show, who spent most of her time with her hands on her hips until someone bashed her over the head with a vase.