The ‘Classic Wingers’ From ‘Community’ We Can’t Stop Repeating

When it comes to narcissistic former lawyers fond of giving compelling speeches to their classmates, there’s only one study group leader for the job: Jeff Winger. Sure, he’s full of himself, but he usually ends up putting his friends first while giving us new and unique ways to self-congratulate in the meantime.

So to celebrate Joel McHale’s 43rd birthday here I give you, all the “Classic Wingers” we can’t stop repeating…

“Ab mentions.”

Everyday use: When you can’t stop talking about your greatest features.

“I don’t have an ego, my Facebook photo is a landscape.”

Everyday use: When you’re feeling slightly less narcissistic.

“I guess I never said it out loud.”

Everyday use: When your words shock even you.

“Yeah, I nailed it.”

Everyday use: When you nail it.

“I’m an exceptional narcissist.”

Everyday use: When you step on your own words.

“You’re just a good grade in a tight sweater.”

Everyday use: When you aim to offend, but compliment instead.

“It’s called chemistry, I have it with everybody.”

Everyday use: When you’re the most lovable person around.

“Denny’s is for winners.”

Everyday use: When you didn’t get the job done.

“Sharks don’t even observe Shark Week.”

Everyday use: When you reconsider what you appreciate.

“And now I need one from America.”

Everyday use: When your qualifications aren’t up to par.

“These people are giving out free iPhones.”

Everyday use: When you need a quick getaway.

“He makes me so changry!”

Everyday use: When only a pun will suffice.

“I agree with brown Jamie Lee Curtis.”

Everyday use: When you can’t remember someone’s name.

That’s what worries me about this guy, he’s equal parts Hanson and Manson.”

Everyday use: When someone’s so nice it sets off red flags.

“If you need to talk to someone about that, I don’t recommend you.”

Everyday use: When you don’t have time for other people’s problems.

“Oh look! Indiana Jones and the apartment of perpetual virginity.”

Everyday use: When someone’s place guarantees they’ll never get laid.

“I am so amazing, but I’m not perfect.”

Everyday use: When cockiness gets the best of you.

“Don’t preach to me about romance, Annie. I had a threeway in a hot air balloon.”

Everyday use: When your idea of romance is a little different than everyone else’s.

“I liked Horse-Bot 3000.”

Everyday use: When you’re not sure why you’re crying.

“I don’t step up to being the leader, I reluctantly accept it when it’s thrust upon me.”

Everyday use: When you’re the only one for the job.