Let’s Talk Tuesday’s Geeky TV: ‘The Flash’ Returns

The Flash has come back from a brief hiatus, unsurprisingly right before Batman v Superman arrives on Friday. But hey, we’ll take all the Flash we can get, and this episode rolls out a villainous superspeedster who isn’t a homicidal maniac for once! Yes, Trajectory is kind of a jerk, but hey, Barry will probably take “jerk” over “Zoom.”

Also of interest in this episode might be the set-up for Barry’s visit to National City next week, so keep an eye out. He might be vibrating right into even more crossovers in fairly short order. That starts at 8 p.m. EST on the CW. Meanwhile, in yet another cinematic universe:

Speaking of crossovers, this particular episode thankfully ditches the awkward comedy stylings of General Talbot and gets back to what this show does best. Namely, trashing the joint with supervillains. Basically the team is fighting the Predator this go-round, and this looks to be setting up the backdoor pilot of Mockingbird: Marvel’s Most Wanted. We’re hoping the big twist is that Bobbi and May realize they’re each other’s One True Butt-Kicking Partner and go on the road beating up random supervillains. Most likely not, but we’ll see if we can beat the odds at 9 p.m. EST on ABC. Join us, won’t you?