The Return Of Conway Stern: A Quick Refresher On The ‘Archer’ Fan Favorite

Tonight’s episode of Archer marks the return of fan favorite double-agent Conway Stern (not his real name). As you can see from the preview, the episode will feature phrases like “his cover’s been blown” and “REVENGE RAMPAGE,” as well as fisticuffs that end in a tea kettle kabonging. This is basically all I’ve ever asked for out of a television show. Let’s file it under “Promising.”

For those of you who might not remember, Conway Stern first appeared in the Season 1 episode “Diversity Hire,” representing himself as a black Jewish agent and allowing Malory’s organization to fill two quotas at once. By the end of the episode he had revealed himself as an imposter, quite literally stabbed Archer in the back in an attempt to make off with a briefcase filled with plans for a silent submarine propulsion system, and lost his left hand just above the wrist due to Lana’s bear-handed grip strength. Here, look. A visual aide:

He also slept with Cheryl and completely infatuated Malory (much to Sterling’s vomit-inducing dismay), so yeah, it was a busy episode for ol’ Conway. And now he’s back, complete with a new robotic hand Krieger outfitted him with in Season 4. How mildly Barry-esque of him.

In conclusion, please note these two bullet points from the Archer Wikia page for his character, which serve as continuing proof that the Internet can provide you with a comprehensive history of just about anything.

  • Is uncircumcised, suggesting he is not actually Jewish or highly unaffiliated which is doubtful due to his Star of David necklace. He cannot be a convert as circumcision is required to end the conversion process. The star of David necklace is likely part of a disguise used to infiltrate ISIS.
  • Conway is the third character in the series to become a cyborg.

Bless you, Archer.