The Walking Lulz: The Internet’s Funniest Reactions To This Week’s ‘The Walking Dead’

Thanks to this week’s anxiety-inducing “Isolated” we are treated to a new batch of The Walking Dead fun, courtesy of the internet. We’ve got Carlman, CSI: Rick, the whole show summarized in a single image, and Carol finding herself in good pop culture company.

Please pour some out for David and Peeta the next opportunity you get. Above via.

<!–pagetitle:“RIP David”–>

<!–pagetitle:“Carlman: Hall Monitor”–>

<!–pagetitle:“CSI: Rick”–>

<!–pagetitle:“Looks like Peeta Mellark didn’t make it”–>

<!–pagetitle:“The four blackest people on the show”–>

<!–pagetitle:“The Walking Dead summed up in one sentence”–>

<!–pagetitle:“It was Carol…”–>


<!–pagetitle:“Maybe Rick should tread lightly”–>

<!–pagetitle:Marilyn Manson’s ‘Talking Dead’ Appearance In One Image–>


You’re welcome.