NBC’s ‘The More You Know’ Campaign Now Features Dating Tips From Kelly Kapowski

NBC’s “The More You Know” campaign has been around forever and mostly features celebrities giving helpful advice like “Talk to your kids and/or parents” or “Try not to do so many drugs” or “Yo, put down that rock” (basically), but all of that old advice can go jump in lake full of crocodiles because now there’s one where Tiffani Thiessen makes bedroom eyes at the camera and tells you how to have a sexy, environmentally sensitive date night. Here are her tips in bullet form:

  • Cut flowers from the garden
  • Eat dinner by candlelight
  • Go for a walk instead of a drive

I think I speak for the scientific community when I say that this is the most effective way to combat global warming that I have ever seen, and there should probably be a follow-up video where she explains how to continue being environmentally conscious if this first part of the date goes well and the two of you decide to take it to the next level. Organic body oil recommendations, mood music made by musicians who support green causes, thing that she, Kelly Kapowski Tiffani Thiessen, might enjoy a potential beau doing in these types of situation, etc.

You know, for the environment.

(Via @CRM_Stephen)