TLC to Air ‘Cops’-Like DUI Show

TLC has long been America’s #1 channel for people seeking a 21st century freak show, but the cable network is edging into truTV’s territory with its newest offering:

The network has ordered D.U.I., a new series that goes behind the scenes of drunk-driving law enforcement in Oklahoma. TLC has picked up 12 episodes, with six debuting next month and the rest planned for 2012.

Unlike COPS, the TLC show just focuses on drunk-driving suspects and follows their story from being pulled over and being interrogated, to, if necessary, arrest and sentencing. [EW]

I freely admit that drunk people getting arrested can be hilarious (see: donka doo balls), but as someone who’s been pulled over under suspicion of DUI three different times (and never arrested!), I don’t think I could enjoy this. Even when you’re SOBER it’s an incredibly annoying/scary process. “I can smell alcohol in your vehicle.” Yeah officer, did you not see the three Marines passed out in my car? Or did you just think they were really tired from volunteering at a soup kitchen on a Saturday night?