Weekend Preview: A Mea Culpa

Hell On Wheels/Walking Dead (AMC, Sunday) – I completely missed the premiere of “Hell on Wheels” in last week’s Weekend Preview. My apologies. I went back and watched it On Demand during the week and I have three thoughts to share: 1) If this show interests you and you haven’t seen “Deadwood” yet, take the hour every week you would dedicate to this show and watch that instead. 2) If you saw the movie Crossroads starring Britney Spears (three times), you may have a hard time taking leading man Anson Mount seriously as a badass gunslinger. Not his fault, just a fact. 3) While doing an image search to run with this post, I stumbled across the picture to the right. I have been fascinated by it ever since.

Fringe (FOX, Friday) – I also upset people last week by comparing this show to “Chuck.” I meant in the whole “a rapid fanbase saves it despite the show being banished to Friday nights” way, but I got YELLED AT before I clarified that. Yeesh.

Boss (Starz, Friday) – The guys at ModernMan.com have been doing a “Boss” giveaway every week, and the prize this time is a $1,000 AmEx gift card. One thousand dollars?! For watchin’ the teevee?! What is this, soshalism?! (Details here.)

Saturday Night Live (NBC, Saturday) – Hosted by Emma Stone. Easy A was a great movie. You should see it.

The Simpsons (FOX, Sunday) – This is their fairly-hyped foodie episode. If this doesn’t result in Kurp eating something disgusting for our enjoyment, I’ll be incredibly disappointed.

Dexter/Homeland (Showtime, Sunday) – I have never in my entire life had Showtime. I’ve heard both of these shows are good. You are incredibly welcome for this thought-provoking analysis.

Lots of Other Stuff (Every channel, All weekend) – Sunday especially is jam-packed. I didn’t even get to good shows like “The Good Wife” and “Boardwalk Empire,” or the other crappy shows I’d like to make fun of here. For example, did you know “Desperate Housewives” is still on the air? I was BLOWN AWAY when I saw that. I thought for sure it got canceled in, like, 2004.