Weekend Preview: Louis CK & Football

Louis CK: Hilarious (Comedy Central Sunday) – A friend recently brought it to my attention that I say “HA-larious” instead of the correct “hill-arious.”  This has shaken me to my core.  I hate people who don’t pronounce things correctly… and now I find out I am one?!  I feel like Clayton Bigsby.  In other news, watch this special or we can’t be friends.

Football (Everywhere, all weekend) – Big football weekend.  Two NFL playoff games Saturday AND Sunday, plus some bowl games sprinkled in for flavor.  Dee-licious.

Confessions: Animal Hoarding (Animal Planet, Saturday) – Still no episode on Snooki’s impressive collection of crabs?  Weak. (*checks “Unnecessary, mean Snooki joke” off to-do list*)

Legally Blonde (TBS, Saturday) – You know, after a couple years of law school, I’m starting to think this movie was full of crap.

Bob’s Burgers (FOX, Sunday) – FOX’s newest addition to their animated line-up.  H. Jon Benjamin, the voice of Archer, also voices a character in this show.  So I guess what I’m really saying is NEW EPISODES OF ARCHER PLEASE WANT NOW THX BYE.

Undercover Boss (CBS, Sunday) – New rule: If a middle-aged white guy shows up for a manual labor position with a camera crew in tow, just be nice to him.  In fact, if anyone shows up with a camera crew, be nice to them.  There you go.  Problem solved.

William, Kate, & 8 Royal Weddings (TLC, Sunday) – It took me a while to figure out what this was doing on TLC.  Then I realized it’s really just a special about inbred hemophiliacs marrying each other.  It fits like a glove.