Will Ferrell Works Through A ‘Devastating Head Injury’ To Deliver A Woozy ‘SNL’ Monologue

Will Ferrell is professional. He’s a guy who has spent the last two decades in front of the cameras, creating some of the best comedy in the modern history of comedy. In other words, the man can work through a head injury. Ferrell isn’t going to let some blood, or a cracked skull get in the way of his grand return to Saturday Night Live.

Like most SNL monologues this season, Ferrell bursts into a heartwarming song. The only issue is that his rendition of Annie‘s “I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here” has a dark subtext about it. This song wasn’t planned. Ferrell is concussed and needs to enter SNL‘s concussion protocol immediately.

But, it’s live. Could they even pull him for some stitches?

But seriously, Ferrell is showing a level of hustle not seen by a host on SNL in a long while. He’s been involved with every sketch on the show thus far (over halfway through as of this writing), and it’s pretty rare to see a host be the focal point of the cold open, then go right into the monologue and beyond as a star. Props to Ferrell, not many people could do that even if they weren’t concussed.