13 Animals Who Are Excited That 'Jurassic Park 4' Is Back On

I’m not sure why I feel compelled to format this news as a Buzzfeed post, but now this is happening. Coming Soon attended the Licensing Expo 2013 in Las Vegas, where they snapped the picture above which we’ve just slightly altered. Along with the Jurassic Park 4 banner they spotted comes the news that Universal has set a 2015 release date for Jurassic Park 4 and director Colin Trevorrow plans to shoot it in 3D.

This comes just one month after the news that the studio had put the project on hold and laid off most of the pre-production staff. It didn’t take them long to spare no expense and restart production, although they’re not shooting for the original June 13, 2014 release date.

So for no particular reason, here are a baker’s dozen of animals who are various levels of pumped about Jurassic Park 4 coming back. I promise not to add unnecessary captions to any of these cute animals. Also, the source link under each photo will go to the actual place I found these, not a deeplinked image file on some random server which is giving credit to no one. I have so much anger at slideshows which do that. The only cure for that anger is animals in dinosaur costumes.



[Thanks to Eibmoz for this picture.]









