If the name Aaron Schock sounds familiar, it’s because the former Illinois state representative made national headlines back in 2015 for his exquisitely decorated Downton Abbey-themed office that allegedly cost $40,000. This led to further digging into Schock’s use of taxpayer and campaign funds, which unearthed extravagant spending habits such as lavish trips, private property, and concert tickets. Suffice to say, the scandal led to his untimely resignation from office. (Recently, felony charges were dropped when he agreed to pay back nearly $68,000 to campaign committees.)
At any rate, during Schock’s time in office from 2009 until 2015, he held a harsh anti-gay record which included voting against adding LGBTQ rights to federal hate crime protections, against the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, and for the Defense of Marriage Act — that legislation defined marriage as between a man and a woman and was eventually struck down by the Supreme Court in 2013.
So people are of course taking note when writer and political activist James Duke Mason posted photos of Schock at Coachella to Facebook with the following caption:
Normally I wouldn’t comment on something like this, but I am just infuriated by these images of former Republican (and anti-gay) Congressman Aaron Schock partying with a group of gay men at Coachella. The fact that he would think he could show his face in public, particularly when he has NEVER renounced or apologized for his votes against gay marriage, gays in the military and against anti-discrimination laws is astounding. My intention isn’t to out him or target him personally, but simply to point out the hypocrisy. I saw him at a recent gay social event in West Hollywood and shook his hand before I realized who he was; he should really be ashamed of himself. And the gays who associate with him without calling him out should know better. It really is a disgrace.
Likewise, Queerty obtained a photo from a source which appears to show Schock making out with an unidentified man. Others were quick to point out so much on Twitter as people had Some Things To Say about the situation.
Outing is a brutal political tactic that should be reserved for brutally anti-LGBT closeted politicians. Aaron Schock has a brutal anti-LGBT voting record and he deserves to be outed.https://t.co/dTRPQubhzn
— Dan Savage (@fakedansavage) April 17, 2019
Everyone should be allowed the time and space to come out as who they authentically after the proper amount of self reflection and the chance to align with supportive communities.
But not Aaron Schock. Fuck that guy.
— itsonlyzach (@itsonlyzach) April 17, 2019
Just FYI, if you're one of the gay guys currently palling around Coachella with @aaronschock, I hope you'll encourage him to not only come out but to come out against his INCREDIBLY HOMOPHOBIC voting record while he was selling all of us out in congress. https://t.co/f8WjTXRVqG
— Kit Williamson (@kitwilliamson) April 17, 2019
"So, Aaron Schock, any comment on your votes against non-discrimination protections for gay people, repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell, and marriage equality?" : pic.twitter.com/Z6eZ2KVIF7
— Ludwig 🏃♂️ (@paulludwig) April 17, 2019
Aaron Schock's sex life shouldn't be the story. The story should be his callous and horrific policy positions against marginalized communities. It should be the white male privilege he has used to evade jail time for federal crimes committed.
That should be the story, not sex.
— Charlotte Clymer 🇺🇦 (@cmclymer) April 17, 2019
Aaron Schock voted against marriage equality, the repeal of DADT, & supported many anti-gay discrimination policies.
I wish I could compose something more eloquent than ‘Go fuck yourself, you self-serving piece of trash!’ – but I can’t find the words. https://t.co/a6nTiNpWzc
— Greg Hogben (@MyDaughtersArmy) April 17, 2019
Do y’all think Aaron Schock is not Republican still or something? Girl, he would vote the same way today https://t.co/gYJUGlyqQw
— Phillip (@MajorPhilebrity) April 16, 2019
Aaron Schock worked to reinforce institutional homophobia that feeds into repression and validates anti=LGBTQ animus. That he now feels free to avail himself of the kind of freedom so many of us long worked for– or still don't enjoy– without as much as an apology is grotesque.
— Anthony Michael Kreis (@AnthonyMKreis) April 17, 2019
Fuck Aaron Schock and his history of voting against gay rights (and never apologizing for it) and fuck you white gays who are fucking him pic.twitter.com/BNYb1YKPO0
— Southern Homo (@SouthernHomo) April 16, 2019
After being cleared of felony corruption charges for his misuse of campaign funds, Schock — who in 2008 was at the time the youngest person elected to Congress — said he wouldn’t rule out a return to politics. “At 37 years old, I don’t think I’ll ever say never,” he stated back in March.