Amy Poehler’s 30 UCB Alter Egos

Were you like me and the only one of your friends who watched Upright Citizens Brigade when it aired on Comedy Central in the late nineties? In pointless attempts to get others to watch did you find yourself explaining and quoting sketches, automatically making them 99% less funny in the process? And then when Amy Poehler joined SNL and Ian Roberts, Matt Walsh, and Matt Besser turned into comedy’s finest “that guys” no one knew what the hell you were talking about when you told them they were all great in UCB? No? Your friends are hip and cool and appreciate the finer things? Oh, wow, sucks to be me then.

Anyhoo, to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of the UCB Theater New York Magazine has put together an oral history of Upright Citizens Brigade and it’s quite the fantastic read. Vulture has also compiled thirty Polaroids of Amy Poehler costume changes that were taken on set of the show. It’s quite awesome. Whoever had the foresight to snap a photo for posterity during every costume change deserves a waffle from J.J.’s Diner.

Mural above, obviously. Full slideshow of Amy metamorphosis here.

Vulture via Best Week Ever