Bill Cosby’s Wife Took Aim At The Media In An Official Statement About Her Husband’s Rape Allegations

After breaking his own silence this past weekend, Bill Cosby’s wife Camille spoke out about the accusations swirling around her husband in an official statement. It echoed much of the same sentiment that Cosby seemed to try and get across in Friday’s New York Post interview, but took a much sharper edge towards the media.

The Rolling Stone / UVA comparison doesn’t leave much confusion on where she stands on the issues concerning her husband’s alleged rape. You have to respect that. Most women wouldn’t be around after one accusation, let alone fifteen.

There’s been a lot of judgment being thrown at Cosby, some of it warranted because the number of accusations do not look good. I do get a little uncomfortable when folks on other sites go out to call him the worst serial rapist of all time or something along those lines, even if it is an opinion piece.

At the same time, I think comparing this to the Rolling Stone article is almost as bad. As pointed out over at Slate, The two situations are not entirely similar and the Cosby’s have had plenty of opportunities to directly respond to the accusations. It’s taken this long to get what we’ve gotten and who knows if there will be anything else.

(Via CBS News / Slate)