‘Manifest Destiny #1’ And Other Comics Of Note, November 13th

What if Lewis and Clark were doing a lot more than just mapping the Louisiana Purchase? What if they were, in fact, hunting monsters? That’s the premise behind the oddly compelling Manifest Destiny, and we’ve got a full review. Plus reviews of books from DC, Marvel, Image, Dark Horse, Valiant, Titan, Aspen, and Dynamite, in our weekly comics roundup.

Manifest Destiny is an odd book, and it takes a little while to warm up. But there’s lots to love in Chris Dingess’ script about a bunch of men with no families in the middle of uncharted territory. It turns out Lewis and Clark aren’t quite sure what’s going on… and then we find out, in about the most dramatic way possible. Matthew Roberts, meanwhile, has some lovely art, striking a good balance between realism and fantasy to make the book credible. It’s a hoot, and well worth getting in on the ground floor for.

So, what else is good this week? Read on…

<!–pagetitle:Injustice: Gods Among Us Annual #1–>

If you grew up reading comics in the ’90s, you’ve probably got a certain fondness for Lobo. And this annaul is designed to play off that fondness for all it’s worth. Tom Taylor and Xermanico take full advantage of the Injustice universe to have a lot of fun with the Main Man, and it’s to the book’s credit that this is simultaneously a hilarious Lobo yarn while fitting into the plot of the game. If you’re a Lobo fan, pick this up.

<!–pagetitle:Marvel Knights: X-Men #1–>

Brahm Revel is a talented artist and writer, but there’s not really much to this story. It’s a pretty typical setup; the X-Men are looking for some mutants in a small town, and we all know how that goes for them. Still, a fun read, and a hint that there’s more to Revel than just ‘Nam-fightin’ gorillas.

<!–pagetitle:Cataclysm: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1–>

Not a bad story, but it mostly serves as a refresher for those who haven’t been following the Ultimate books. If that’s you, it’s a useful issue, but if not, there’s nothing here you need.

<!–pagetitle:Unity #1–>

Oh, this will not end well. Unity is Valiant paying off the buildup in X-O Manowar with Matt Kindt showing that messing with a Dacian in power armor is a terrible idea, something Harada learns the hard way. It also marks the return of Ninjak, which is almost worth the price of entry just by itself. Doug Braithwaite’s art feels a little soft and lacking in detail for the action in this book, but that’s a minor complaint; it’s a lot of fun, and well worth picking up.

<!–pagetitle:Wraith #1–>

Joe Hill and C.P. Williams III, the team behind Locke and Key, have a new book on the stands, based off his novel NOS4A2. Let’s just say that it’s every bit as creepy as you might think, although it’s more of an illustrated short story than anything else. Still, if you liked Locke and Key or want a horror book to read, this will fit the bill nicely. Here’s the opening few pages, to get a better sense of the book.

<!–pagetitle:All-New Soulfire #1–>

This book about a future where magic and science coexist rather uneasily, from J.T. Krul and V. Marion, is actually fairly interesting, but it doesn’t do quite enough with the concept in its first issue, fun though it is. On the other hand, it also costs a buck, so if that’s the sweet spot for you, I’ve bought worse comics for a dollar.

<!–pagetitle:Clown Fatale #1–>

Apparently, somebody snuck a Zenscape book into Dark Horse’s review stack for this week, because for the life of me, I can’t figure out why Dark Horse would publish this book. The basic thrust of it is that a bunch of hot women in skimpy clothes who can beat people up and are also clowns, because it needs a gimmick to stand out from all the other books like this.

It’s the kind of book where the exposition is laid over the cast walking around in their underwear and/or topless. And there’s an attempted rape scene. Because of course there is. Victor Gischler, the writer, basically decides all he has to do is say “clown” a lot and the book is automatically forgiven all the cliches. Maurizio Rosenzweig is a talented artist, or at least talented enough to do what the script asks of him, but honestly, there’s no reason to pick this one up. Here’s a preview to see what I mean.

<!–pagetitle:Noir #1–>

A bit of a generic title, but Gischler does a much better job on this book, writing a fun slice of pulp starring the Shadow and the Black Sparrow that’s just zippy enough to be a fun read. Not essential reading, although Andrea Mutti’s art is quite well-done, but worth picking up if you’re a fan of pulps.

<!–pagetitle:Protocol: Orphans #1–>

This is aimed pretty squarely at fans of espionage comics, and it’s more interesting for the back story than it is for the somewhat generic plot from Michael Alan Nelson, involving bombs at sporting events and the like. Mariano Navarro’s art has a nice cartoony feel to it that keeps this book from feeling overly dour. Worth it for espionage and action fans.

<!–pagetitle:Umbral #1–>

This fantasy comic from Antony Johnson and Christopher Mitten has some vivid art, and it’s not a bad hook for a story, about only thieves knowing the threat to a kingdom. But fantasy worlds thrive on details, and this book has too much to establish to really get that rich, lived-in feel of a world that makes a great fantasy comic. It’s got considerable promise, though, so I’d keep an eye on this one.

<!–pagetitle:Superman/Wonder Woman #2–>

With its second issue, Charles Soule and Tony Daniel bring this book into focus, but it’s probably going to be a bit controversial. Wonder Woman’s big achievement, this issue, is getting beaten up; this is more a Superman book than a Wonder Woman book, this issue, and the comic really needs to strike a better balance between the two characters.

That said, Superman getting zapped by Apollo was pretty funny. If for no other reason than Apollo deserves what comes next.

<!–pagetitle:Coffin Hill #2–>

Caitlin Kittridge and Inaki Miranda continue their horror/police procedural, and honestly, this book needs to pick up the pace. The exact nature of the threat in this book is vague and unclear, and the book ends on a “cliffhanger” that doesn’t really work. It’s not bad, but it needs a bit more verve and a bit more style to stand out.

<!–pagetitle:S.H.O.O.T. First #2–>

The world’s first squad of rationalist superheroes continues their mission to kill stuff pretending to be demons and angels. Justin Aclin actually does a highly entertaining job of mixing over-the-top, Doom Patrol-esque superheroics with a struggle with the loss of religious faith, not to mention the soap opera that defines any superhero team. Nicolás Daniel Selma delivers fun, clean, action-heavy art. In short, it’s fun, it’s zippy, and it’s surprisingly thoughtful; a must-buy for this week. If my word won’t do it, Dark Horse has a preview available.

<!–pagetitle:Bloodhound: Crowbar Medicine #2–>

Dan Jolley and Leonard Kirk continue the latest Bloodhound miniseries, about Travis Clevenger trying to find somebody who has created a chip that gives anyone superpowers. It’s a problem complicated substantially by the military, a vigilante, and Clevenger’s own stubbornness. This is a fun take on superheroics, not least because Jolley can write a good mystery; nothing is what it seems, here. Highly recommended, and here’s a preview to see for yourself why.

<!–pagetitle:Shaolin Cowboy #2–>

This book is literally thirty-three pages of zombies getting chopped up by a chainsaw. Pretty, because it’s Geoff Darrow, but, yeah, no plot, no dialogue, it’s basically the Shaolin Cowboy Zombie-Slicing Art Book. So, yeah, your call.

<!–pagetitle:Star Trek: Khan #2–>

The story of Khan in the reboot universe has few surprises so far. It’s fun to read, if you’re a Trekkie like me, but if not, you’re not missing much.

<!–pagetitle:Afterlife with Archie #2–>

Robert Aguire-Sacasa and Francesco Francavilla follow up a strong first issue with an even better second one. This book is clever in how it juggles Archie tropes with a straight-up zombie story; it’s tartly funny and far better than the title would tell you. Highly recommended.

<!–pagetitle:Three #2–>

Kieron Gillen’s deconstruction of the… overly glowing view taken of the Spartans historically continues. This issue is largely backstory, but it’s got some vividly rendered characters and ends on a very dark note; the Helots on the run are about to have a very bad time. Worth reading, especially for classics nerds and fans of historical fiction.

<!–pagetitle:Resident Alien: The Suicide Blonde #3–>

Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse wrap up this miniseries with a sad, contemplative ending about suicide and the damage it leaves behind. It’s a low-key end to this mystery story, but it’s an interesting one, and Hogan’s compassion really makes it something special. And, of course, it ends on a cliffhanger; if you’re curious to take a look, Dark Horse has a preview.

<!–pagetitle:Rocketeer/Spirit: Pulp Friction #3–>

Mark Waid and J. Bone deliver a note perfect story that fits the style and, forgive the pun, spirit of both characters like a glove. Funny, snappy, and clever, this issue features a twist that would make Eisner chuckle. Highly recommended.

<!–pagetitle:The Other Dead #3–>

I still have my problems with this book; Qing Ping Mui is a little too attached to his sometimes clumsy layouts. I have to balance that, however, with the fact that this is a book with a zombie squirrel attack. If the words “zombie squirrel attack” make you giggle, buy this.

<!–pagetitle:It Came! #4–>

Dan Boultwood’s goofy parody of bad British SF movies comes to a close. And if you love old, badly made movies, it’s a joyous one worth getting. Don’t worry about the previous three issues; the book’s intentionally written to be picked up. And if you’re uncertain, Titan was good enough to pass along a preview for your delectation…

<!–pagetitle:X #7–>

This issue smartly takes the focus of X and puts it on a set of honest cops tasked with finding him. If that sounds problematic, for everyone involved, you’d be right. This book has improved substantially over the issues and this is a great point to jump on. Dark Horse has a preview, if you’re curious to sample the goods.

<!–pagetitle:Abe Sapien #7–>

A book that has been quiet and contemplative gets frantic in a hurry in this issue. This book has been a character study of Abe, to this point, but the action scene that closes this issue ties into the overall message of the book, and Sebastián Fiumara’s art always makes this book great. As you may have guessed, Dark Horse has a preview to look over.

<!–pagetitle:Justice League Of America #9–>

Matt Kindt’s run on this book continues to be engaging and fun. The theme of going down circle by circle through personal Hells is not exactly a subtle one, but hell, this is the Justice League; you go big or you go home, and Kindt writes superheroes losing their minds surprisingly well. And his characterization of Stargirl will make you wish she had her own book; definitely worth picking up, whether you’re following Forever Evil or not.

<!–pagetitle:Star Wars #11–>

Brian Wood’s superb take on Star Wars continues, and you need to buy it. I know I rave about this book month in and month out, but it’s really that good. Don’t believe me? Here’s a preview.

<!–pagetitle:Archer And Armstrong #15–>

Archer and Armstrong have had a bro-breakup over a woman. What’s a gigantic superstrong immortal to do? Go drinking across the span of time, of course! Armstrong goes on a carouse with his recently discovered brother, hopping across the timestream, and generally making a drunken ass out of himself. And it’s hilarious, as always with Fred Van Lente. Valiant’s passed along a preview of the greatest bar crawl in history to help you decide for yourself.

<!–pagetitle:Harbinger #18–>

Harbinger is one of Valiant’s best books, and Joshua Dysart’s take on the superteam continues to be the highlight of every month. This issue mixes Peter’s “perfect day” with last issue’s goofy “Torquehalla” setting, and the result is a book that’s simultaneously touching and hilarious. You really wish Peter, our nominal hero, could have a normal life, just for a while. Valiant sent along a preview, but consider picking this book up; it’s a blast.

<!–pagetitle:Batman #25–>

Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo bring back a classic Batman villain, and this issue ends on a great twist. Also, there’s the proto-Batmobile. Really, if you love Batman, you need to read all of Zero Year, but pick this issue up, either way.

Aquaman Volume 2 The Others TP, $14.99 
Aquaman Volume 3 Throne Of Atlantis HC, $24.99 
Astro City #6, $3.99 
Batgirl #25, $3.99 
Batman #25 (Greg Capullo Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Batman #25 (Greg Capullo Combo Pack Cover), $5.99 
Batman #25 (Greg Capullo Regular Cover), $4.99 
Batman #25 (Ken Hunt Variant Cover), AR
Batman Arkham City Mr. Hammer And Harley Quinn Action Figure 2-Pack, $39.95 
Batman Arkham City Sickle And Penguin Action Figure 2-Pack, $39.95 
Batman Arkham Unhinged #20 (Final Issue), $3.99 
Batman Black And White The Joker Statue By Greg Capullo, $79.95 
Batman Li’l Gotham #8, $2.99 
Coffin Hill #2, $2.99 
Constantine #8, $2.99 
DC Comics Essentials Green Lantern #1, $1.00 
DC Comics Super-Villains Black Adam Action Figure, $24.95 
FBP Federal Bureau Of Physics #5, $2.99 
Forever Evil Arkham War #2 (Of 6)(Jason Fabok Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Forever Evil Arkham War #2 (Of 6)(Jason Fabok Regular Cover), $2.99 
Green Lantern Corps #25 (Bernard Chang Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Green Lantern Corps #25 (Bernard Chang Regular Cover), $3.99 
Injustice Gods Among Us Annual #1, $4.99 
Injustice Gods Among Us Volume 1 HC, $19.99 
Joe Kubert Presents TP, $19.99 
Justice League Of America #9 (Doug Mahnke Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Justice League Of America #9 (Doug Mahnke Combo Pack Cover), $4.99 
Justice League Of America #9 (Doug Mahnke Regular Cover), $3.99 
Justice League Of America #9 (Ethan Van Sciver Variant Cover), AR
Justice League Of America’s Vibe #9, $2.99 
Katana #9, $2.99 
Nightwing #25, $3.99 
Red Lanterns Volume 3 The Second Prophecy TP, $19.99 
Silver Age Teen Titans Archives Volume 2 HC, $75.00 
Smallville Season 11 #19, $3.99 
Suicide Squad #25, $2.99 
Superboy #25, $2.99 
Superman And Wonder Woman The Kiss Statue, $249.95 
Superman Wonder Woman #2 (Shane Davis Variant Cover), AR
Superman Wonder Woman #2 (Tony S. Daniel & Batt Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Superman Wonder Woman #2 (Tony S. Daniel & Batt Combo Pack Cover), $4.99 
Superman Wonder Woman #2 (Tony S. Daniel & Batt Regular Cover), $3.99 
Swamp Thing Volume 3 Rotworld The Green Kingdom TP, $16.99 
Worlds’ Finest #17, $2.99

All-New X-Men #18 (Brandon Peterson Regular Cover), $3.99 
All-New X-Men #18 (Julian Totino Tedesco X-Men Through The Decades 1960s Variant Cover), AR
All-New X-Men #18 (Julian Totino Tedesco X-Men Through The Decades 1970s Variant Cover), AR
All-New X-Men #18 (Julian Totino Tedesco X-Men Through The Decades 1980s Variant Cover), AR
All-New X-Men #18 (Julian Totino Tedesco X-Men Through The Decades 1990s Variant Cover), AR
All-New X-Men #18 (Julian Totino Tedesco X-Men Through The Decades 2000s Variant Cover), AR
All-New X-Men #18 (Stuart Immonen Variant Cover), AR
Amazing X-Men #1/Superior Spider-Man #22 Mini Poster (Promotional Item)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Avengers Arena #17, $2.99 
Captain America Living Legend #3 (Of 4)(Adi Granov Regular Cover), $3.99 
Captain America Living Legend #3 (Of 4)(Mike Allred Vintage Variant Cover), AR
Captain America Living Legend #3 (Of 4)(Sal Buscema Variant Cover), AR
Cataclysm Ultimate Spider-Man #1 (Of 3)(David Marquez Regular Cover), $3.99 
Cataclysm Ultimate Spider-Man #1 (Of 3)(Gabriel Hardman Variant Cover), AR
Deadpool #19 (Declan Shalvey Regular Cover), $2.99 
Essential Daredevil Volume 6 TP, $19.99 
Fearless Defenders #11, $3.99 
Guardians Of The Galaxy #1 (Justin Ponsor Signed Edition)(Dynamic Forces), $10.00 
Hulk By Jeph Loeb The Complete Collection Volume 1 TP, $34.99 
Inhumanity Postcard (Promotional Item), AR
Marvel Knights X-Men #1 (Of 5)(Brahm Revel Regular Cover), $3.99 
Marvel Knights X-Men #1 (Of 5)(Paolo Rivera Variant Cover), AR
Marvel Masterworks Marvel Two-In-One Volume 1 HC, $69.99 
Marvel Masterworks Marvel Two-In-One Volume 1 HC (Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 200), $69.99 
Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble #2, $2.99 
Marvel Universe The Avengers Earth’s Mightiest Heroes Digest Volume 4 TP, $9.99 
Savage Wolverine #11, $3.99 
Superior Foes Of Spider-Man #5 (Frank Barberie Variant Cover), AR
Superior Foes Of Spider-Man #5 (Steve Lieber Regular Cover), $2.99 
Superior Spider-Man #21 (Guissepe Camuncoli Regular Cover), $3.99 
Thor God Of Thunder #15, $3.99 
Thor Sunlight And Shadows TP, $29.99 
Thor The Warriors Three The Complete Collection TP, $34.99 
Wolverine #11 (Alan Davis Regular Cover), $3.99 
Wolverine #11 (David Lopez X-Men 50th Anniversary Variant Cover), AR
Wolverine Sabretooth Reborn TP, $19.99 
X-Men #1 (J. Scott Campbell Midtown Exclusive Cover)(Dynamic Forces), $16.99 
X-Men Gold #1 (John Cassaday Variant Cover), AR
X-Men Gold #1 (Olivier Coipel Regular Cover), $5.99 
X-Men Legacy Volume 3 Revenants TP, $15.99

Aphrodite IX #3 (SDCC Cosplay Photo Variant Cover), $10.00 
Bomb Queen Deluxe Edition Volume 4 HC, $24.99 
Bounce #7, $2.99 
Chew Smorgasbord Edition Volume 1 HC, $100.00 
Jupiter’s Legacy #2 (Amy Reeder Midtown Exclusive Cover)(Dynamic Forces), $19.99 
Lazarus #1 (Michael Lark Midtown Exclusive Cover)(Dynamic Forces), $29.99 
Manhattan Projects #16, $3.50 
Manifest Destiny #1 (Cover A Matthew Roberts & Owen Gieni), $2.99 
Manifest Destiny #1 (Cover B Ryan Ottley), AR
Peter Panzerfaust #15 (2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.50 
Rocket Girl #1 (2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.50 
Rocket Girl #2, $3.50 
Son Of Merlin Volume 1 TP, $19.99 
Three #1 (2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99 
Three #2, $2.99 
Umbral #1, $2.99 
Walking Dead #116, $2.99 
Walking Dead Volume 19 March To War TP, $14.99 
Zero #2 (2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99

Abe Sapien #7, $3.50 
Akaneiro HC, $14.99 
Bandette Volume 1 Presto HC, $14.99 
Bloodhound Crowbar Medicine #2 (Of 5), $3.99 
Clown Fatale #1 (Of 4), $3.99 
Colossal Conan HC, $150.00 
Lone Wolf And Cub Omnibus Volume 3 TP, $19.99 
Resident Alien The Suicide Blonde #3 (Of 3), $3.99 
S.H.O.O.T. First #2 (Of 4), $3.99 
Sabertooth Swordsman HC, $17.99 
Shaolin Cowboy #2, $3.99 
Star Wars #1 (Of 8)(Lucas Draft)(John Cassaday Midtown Exclusive Cover)(Dynamic Forces), $19.74 
Star Wars #11, $2.99 
Terminator The Burning Earth TP, $17.99 
X #7, $2.99

Chilling Archives Of Horror Comics Volume 5 Haunted Horror HC, $24.99 
Doctor Who Prisoners Of Time #11 (Of 12)(Cover A Francesco Francavilla), $3.99 
Doctor Who Prisoners Of Time #11 (Of 12)(Cover B Dave Sim), $3.99 
Doctor Who Prisoners Of Time #11 (Of 12)(Cover RI-A Eleventh Doctor Photo), AR
G.I. JOE #10 (Cover A Jamal Igle), $3.99 
G.I. JOE #10 (Cover RI Ryan Dunlavey), AR
G.I. JOE A Real American Hero #196 (Cover A S. L. Gallant & Brian Shearer), $3.99 
G.I. JOE A Real American Hero #196 (Cover RI Larry Hama & Brian Shearer), AR
G.I. JOE A Real American Hero #196 (Cover SUB Blank), $3.99 
G.I. JOE Future Noir TP (New Edition), $14.99 
Mars Attacks Judge Dredd #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Greg Staples), $3.99 
Mars Attacks Judge Dredd #3 (Of 4)(Cover SUB Loston Wallace), $3.99 
My Little Pony Art Gallery (Cover A Sara Richard), $3.99 
My Little Pony Micro-Series #9 (Spike)(Cover A Amy Mebberson), $3.99 
My Little Pony Micro-Series #9 (Spike)(Cover B Agnes Garbowska), $3.99 
My Little Pony Micro-Series #9 (Spike)(Cover RI Sara Richard), AR
Other Dead #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Sam Shearon), $3.99 
Other Dead #3 (Of 5)(Cover RI Shane White), AR
Other Dead #3 (Of 5)(Cover SUB Kevin Eastman & David Millgate), $3.99 
Popeye Classics #16 (Cover A Bud Sagendorf), $3.99 
Rocketeer The Spirit Pulp Friction #3 (Of 4)(Cover A J. Bone), $3.99 
Rocketeer The Spirit Pulp Friction #3 (Of 4)(Cover SUB Chris Samnee), $3.99 
Star Trek Khan #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Paul Shipper), $3.99 
Star Trek Khan #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Photo), $3.99 
Star Trek Khan #2 (Of 5)(Cover RI Derek Charm), AR
Star Trek Khan #2 (Of 5)(Cover SUB Blank), $3.99 
Star Trek The Stardate Collection Volume 1 The Early Voyages HC, $49.99 
Star Trek Volume 6 After Darkness TP, $17.99 
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Color Classics Volume 2 #1 (Cover A Peter Laird), $3.99 
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Villain Micro-Series Volume 1 TP, $17.99 
Transformers IDW Collection Volume 1 HC (Red Label Edition), AR
Transformers More Than Meets The Eye Volume 5 TP, $19.99 
Transformers Prime Beast Hunters #7 (Cover A Ken Christiansen), $3.99 
Transformers Prime Beast Hunters #7 (Cover RI Animation Art), AR
Transformers Robots In Disguise #1 (Hundred Penny Press Edition)(Cover A Andrew Griffith), $1.00 
Triple Helix #2 (Of 4)(Cover A John Byrne), $3.99 
Triple Helix #2 (Of 4)(Cover SUB John Byrne), $3.99 
Wraith Welcome To Christmasland #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Gabriel Rodriguez), $3.99 
Wraith Welcome To Christmasland #1 (Of 5)(Cover RI Gabriel Rodriguez), AR
Wraith Welcome To Christmasland #1 (Of 5)(Cover SUB Charles Paul Wilson III), $3.99

Archer And Armstrong #15 (Clayton Henry Regular Cover), $3.99 
Archer And Armstrong #15 (Michael Walsh Variant Cover), AR
Harbinger #18 (Andrew Robinson Variant Cover), AR
Harbinger #18 (Michael Walsh Regular Cover), $3.99 
Harbinger Deluxe Edition Volume 1 HC, $39.99 
Unity #1 (Bart Sears Valiant Signature Series Variant Cover), AR
Unity #1 (Blank Variant Cover), AR
Unity #1 (Bryan Hitch Pullbox Variant Cover), AR
Unity #1 (Clayton Crain Pullbox Variant Cover), AR
Unity #1 (Donovan Santiago 8-Bit Evolution Variant Cover), AR
Unity #1 (Doug Braithwaite Regular Cover), $3.99 
Unity #1 (J.G. Jones Pullbox Variant Cover), AR
Unity #1 (Neal Adams Black & White Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Unity #1 (Neal Adams Variant Cover), AR
Unity #1 (Paolo Rivera Pullbox Variant Cover), AR
Unity #1 (Team USA Luge Variant Cover), AR
Unity #1 (Travel Foreman Pullbox Variant Cover), AR

3 Guns #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Rafael Albuquerque), $3.99 
Adventure Time Candy Capers #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Nomi Kane), $3.99 
Adventure Time Candy Capers #5 (Of 6)(Cover B Andy Price), $3.99 
Adventure Time Candy Capers #5 (Of 6)(Cover C Mychal Amann), AR
Adventure Time Candy Capers #5 (Of 6)(Cover D Mad Rupert), AR
Adventure Time Sugary Shorts Volume 1 HC, $34.99 
Deathmatch #11 (Cover A Reilly Brown), $3.99 
Herobear And The Kid 2013 Annual #1 (Cover A Mike Kunkel)(Corrected Copies), $3.99 
Herobear And The Kid The Inheritance #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Mike Kunkel), $3.99 
Protocol Orphans #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Stephane Roux), $3.99 
Sons Of Anarchy #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Paul Azeceta), $3.99 
Sons Of Anarchy #3 (Of 6)(Cover B Photo), AR

Sketching From The Imagination An Insight Into Creative Drawing SC, $29.99

Atomic Sheep GN, $18.99

Art Of Rube Goldberg HC, $60.00

Golden Age Glamour Volume 1 TP, $34.95

Delusional HC, $24.95

Snoopy Cowabunga TP, 9.99

Squared Away A Doonesbury Collection HC, $25.00

Shifter Volume 1 HC, $19.99

Genie The Genius #2 (Of 3), $2.99

Dead Reckoning Volume 1 Contagion GN, $19.95 
Gene Simmons’ Comics Anthology Volume 2 SC, $19.95 
Gloom GN, $19.95

Old City Blues Volume 2 GN, $12.95

Archie 1000-Page Comics Jamboree TP, $14.99 
Sonic The Hedgehog Mega Man Worlds Collide Volume 1 TP, $11.99

All New Soulfire #1 (Cover A Kenneth V. Marion), $1.00 
All New Soulfire #1 (Cover B Kenneth V. Marion), $1.00

Crossed Badlands #41 (Gabriel Andrade Torture Cover), $3.99 
Crossed Badlands #41 (Matt Martin Red Crossed Incentive Cover), AR
Crossed Badlands #41 (Matt Martin Regular Cover), $3.99 
Crossed Badlands #41 (Rafael Oritz Wraparound Cover), $3.99 
Uber #0 (Michael Dipscale Midtown Exclusive Cover)(Dynamic Forces), $19.99 
Uber #1 (Michael Dipscale Midtown Exclusive Cover)(Dynamic Forces), $19.99

Doctor Who Summer Falls And Other Stories SC, $12.99

Doctor Who The Companion Chronicles Upstairs Audio CD, $14.99 
Doctor Who Daleks Among Us Audio CD, $24.99 
Doctor Who Fanfare For The Common Men Audio CD, $24.99 
Doctor Who The Lost Stories The Dark Planet Audio CD, $28.50

Warhammer 40K First And Only TP, $16.00 
Warhammer 40K Nightbringer TP, $16.00 
Warhammer Trollslayer TP, $16.00

12 Reasons To Die #4 (Of 6), $3.50

Legend Of Molly Doves #1, $3.99

Art Of R.B. White HC, $25.00

Super Graphic A Visual Guide To The Comic Book Universe SC, $18.95

Largo Winch Volume 5 See Venice GN, $11.95

Comic Shop News #1378, AR

Other Stories And The Horse You Rode In On GN, $18.00

Ai No Kusabi The Space Between Volume 8 SC, $9.95 
Lies Are A Gentleman’s Manners GN, $12.95 
Moon And Blood Volume 4 GN, $6.95 
Triton Of The Sea Volume 2 GN, $19.95

Showa 1926 -1939 A History Of Japan TP, $24.95

Army Of Darkness Volume 2 The King Is Dead Long Live The Queen TP, $19.99 
Art Of Sean Phillips HC, $39.99 
Battlestar Galactica #5 (Alex Ross Regular Cover), $3.99 
Battlestar Galactica #5 (Alex Ross Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Battlestar Galactica #5 (Chris Eliopoulos Subscription Variant Cover), $3.99 
Bionic Woman Volume 1 Mission Control TP (resolicited), $24.99 
Black Bat #3 (Ardian Syaf Black & White Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Codename Action #3 (Of 6)(Art Baltazar Subscription Variant Cover), $3.99 
Codename Action #3 (Of 6)(Jae Lee Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Codename Action #3 (Of 6)(Jae Lee Regular Cover), $3.99 
Codename Action #3 (Of 6)(Jonathan Lau Regular Cover), $3.99 
Dejah Thoris And The Green Men Of Mars #7 (Of 12)(Jay Anacleto Red Risque Variant Cover)(Dynamic Forces), $19.99 
Garth Ennis’ Red Team #6 (Howard Chaykin Regular Cover), $3.99 
Lords Of Mars #4 (Of 6)(Mel Rubi Red Risque Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Mark Waid’s Green Hornet #3 (Paolo Rivera Green Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Mark Waid’s Green Hornet #3 (Paolo Rivera Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Miss Fury #4 (Billy Tan Red Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Miss Fury #7 (Ale Garza Risque Variant Cover), AR
Miss Fury #7 (Ardian Syaf Red Variant Cover), AR
Miss Fury #7 (Billy Tan Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Miss Fury #7 (Cover A Billy Tan), $3.99 
Miss Fury #7 (Cover B Ardian Syaf), $3.99 
Miss Fury #7 (Cover C Colton Worley), $3.99 
Miss Fury #7 (Cover D Sean Chen), $3.99 
Mocking Dead #3 (Of 4)(Bill Tortolini Regular Cover), $3.99 
Mocking Dead #3 (Of 4)(Max Dunbar Subscription Variant Cover), $3.99 
Noir #1 (Of 5)(Ardian Syaf Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Noir #1 (Of 5)(Ardian Syaf Regular Cover), $3.99 
Noir #1 (Of 5)(Ardian Syaf Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Owl #1 (Of 4)(Alex Ross Virgin Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Pathfinder #11 (Carlos Gomez Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Pathfinder #11 (Carlos Gomez Regular Cover), $3.99 
Pathfinder #11 (Jorge Faras Regular Cover), $3.99 
Pathfinder #11 (Jorge Faras Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Red Sonja Omnibus Volume 4 TP, $29.99 
Red Sonja Volume 12 Swords Against The Jade Kingdom TP, $19.99 
Shadow Green Hornet Dark Nights #5 (Of 5)(Alex Ross Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Shadow Green Hornet Dark Nights #5 (Of 5)(Chris Eliopoulos Subscription Variant Cover), $3.99 
Shadow Green Hornet Dark Nights #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Alex Ross), $3.99 
Shadow Green Hornet Dark Nights #5 (Of 5)(Cover B John Cassaday), $3.99 
Shadow Green Hornet Dark Nights #5 (Of 5)(John Cassaday Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Sherlock Holmes Volume 2 The Liverpool Demon TP, $19.99 
Vampirella #36 (Fabiano Neves Black & White Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Vampirella Volume 4 Inquisition TP, $19.99 
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #31 (Mel Rubi Red Risque Variant Cover)(Dynamic Forces), $19.99

Marvel Fact Files #1 (Spider-Man Cover), $2.00 
Marvel Fact Files #3 (Iron Man Cover), $6.00 
Star Trek The Official Starships Figure Collection Magazine #1 (USS Enterprise NCC-1701D), $20.00 
Star Trek The Official Starships Figure Collection Magazine #3 (Klingon Bird Of Prey), $20.00

Hip Hop Family Tree GN, $24.99 
Peanuts Every Sunday 1952-1955 HC, $49.99

Filmfax #135 (Fall 2013), $9.95

Father Gaetano’s Puppet Catechism An Illustrated Novella SC, $14.99

Juxtapoz #155 (December 2013), $5.99

Briony Hatch GN (not verified by Diamond), $19.95

Sorceress Enchanting Art Of Dan Brereton HC (Signed Edition), $39.99 
Sorceress Enchanting Art Of Dan Brereton HC (Sketch Edition), $119.00

Vinland Saga Volume 1 GN, $19.99

Geek Lust SC, $14.99

Locus #634 (November 2013)(not verified by Diamond), $7.50

Watson And Holmes #5 (Larry Stroman Regular Cover), $3.99 
Watson And Holmes #5 (Eric Battle Variant Cover), AR

Anything That Loves GN, $29.99 
Lavender Menace Tales Of Queer Villainy GN, $9.99

Garfield Show Volume 2 Jon’s Night Out HC (not verified by Diamond), $11.99 
Garfield Show Volume 2 Jon’s Night Out SC (not verified by Diamond), $7.99

Gold Pollen And Other Stories HC, $27.50

Harvey Horrors Collected Works Chamber Of Chills Softie Volume 4 TP, $24.99

Disney Animal Friends Golden Book Bundle, $11.97 
Disney Princess Golden Book Bundle, $11.97 
Marvel Super Heroes Golden Book Bundle #1, $11.97 
Marvel Super Heroes Golden Book Bundle #2, $11.97 
Marvel Super Heroes Golden Book Bundle #3, $11.97

Rogue Trooper Tales Of Nu-Earth Volume 2 GN (Simon & Schuster Edition), $19.99 
Zombo You Smell Of Crime And I’m The Deodorant GN, $17.99

Bodie Troll #4 (Of 4), $2.99

Tweety And Sylvester Best Enemies Kit SC, $9.95

Doc Savage Double Novel Volume 70 69, $14.95 
Shadow Double Novel Volume 78 SC, $14.95 
Doc Savage Double Novel Volume 18 SC (James Bama Expanded Variant Edition), $14.95

Scream Magazine #20, $8.99

Alice In The Country Of Hearts The Mad Hatter’s Late Night Tea Party Volume 1 GN, $13.99 
Centaur’s Life Volume 1 GN, $12.99 
Dance In The Vampire Bund Omnibus Volume 4 SC, $19.99 
Mayo Chicki Volume 4 GN, $12.99 
Senran Kagura Skirting Shadows Volume 1 GN, $12.99 
World War Blue Volume 3 GN, $12.99

Minecraft The Game That Changed Everything HC, $21.95

Bettie Page In Danger #10, $9.95

Fangoria #328 (November 2013), $10.99

Blue Morning Volume 3 GN, $12.99 
Spiritual Police Volume 1 GN, $12.99

A1 #6 (Of 6)(Carpe Diem Cover), $3.99 
A1 #6 (Of 6)(Odyssey Cover), $3.99 
A1 #6 (Of 6)(Weirding Willows Cover), $3.99 
Chronos Commandos Dawn Patrol #5 (Of 5), $3.99 
First Kingdom Volume 2 The Galaxy Hunters HC, $24.99 
It Came #4 (Of 4), $3.99 
Solid State Tank Girl HC, $19.99

Hobby Japan #117 (September 2013)(not verified by Diamond), $16.60

SpongeBob Comics #26, $2.99

Chester Brown Conversations HC, $40.00

07-GHOST Volume 7 GN, $9.99 
Fullmetal Alchemist 3-In-1 Edition Volume 6 TP, $14.99 
Inu Yasha VIZBig Edition Volume 17 GN, $19.99 
RIN-NE Volume 13 GN, $9.99

Grimm Fairy Tales #91 (Cover A Pasquale Qualano), $2.99 
Grimm Fairy Tales #91 (Cover B Emilio Laiso, $2.99 
Grimm Fairy Tales #91 (Cover C Vincenzo Cucca), $2.99 
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Hunters The Shadowlands TP, $15.99 
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Oz #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Ken Lashley), $2.99 
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Oz #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Mike Capprotti), $2.99 
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Oz #4 (Of 6)(Cover C Richard Ortiz), $2.99 
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Oz #4 (Of 6)(Cover D Paola Pantalena), $2.99 
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Oz #4 (Of 6)(Cover E Ale Garza), $2.99