Wacky Failed AZ Gov Candidate Kari Lake Reportedly ‘Practically Lives’ At Mar-A-Lago These Days

As Donald Trump stares down a seemingly endless parade of legal troubles, one woman has stood dutifully by his side through thick and thin: Kari Lake. According to a new report, the failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate has been a frequent fixture at Mar-a-Lago to the point where it’s basically her second home.

“Kari Lake is there every night … She’s there all the time,”a source told PEOPLE. “There’s a suite there that she practically lives in.”

Granted, Mar-a-Lago is a golf resort. However, due to the Florida heat, it “generally clears out for the summer,” so Lake is mainly there with Trump and his inner circle. On top of aggressively denying Trump’s brand of election denial (Lake continues to insist the Arizona election was stolen), there’s another reason for Lake’s constant presence: She wants to be Trump’s VP.


Lake’s frequent appearances at Mar-a-Lago come months after Trump officially announced his 2024 campaign for president in November, and after sources told PEOPLE that Lake has been vying for the role of his running mate.

“She is working the deal. She wants something bigger, fast, to compensate for her loss in Arizona,” one source previously said.

Lake isn’t exactly hiding her presence at Mar-a-Lago. She recently tweeted a swimsuit photo of herself wearing an inflatable Trump float while boating off the Florida coast.

While Lake’s presence certainly raises eyebrows, PEOPLE reports that Trump continues to make public appearances at his golf resort during the weekends, and Melania has been seen joining him for dinner. The former president also continues to act as a DJ and personally curates the golf club’s evening music.