Man Passes Time At Work By Recreating Romantic Movie Scenes With His Boss’s Dog

Bringing an adorable dog to the office is a great way for a boss to improve morale (because dogs are awesome) and also a great way for a boss to destroy productivity (because dogs are awesomely distracting).

And so it was with Redditor mmsspp, whose boss recently began bringing her dog Wrigley to work. For the past month, he’s been using Wrigley to reenact romantic scenes from famous movies. “It started with a stupid Titanic photo,” he wrote on Imgur. “But things escalated quickly.”

Obviously. And awesomely. Check out the best of “Wrigley at the Movies” below.

Brokeback Mountain



Top Gun


The Graduate

The Notebook

Say Anything

16 Candles

The Hunger Games

Dirty Dancing

Reddit via Bored Panda