Trump’s ‘Coyotes’ Immigration Remark At The Final Debate Sparked A Lot Of Shocked Reactions

The third presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump was a bit less shouty than the first, but it did have a muted moment that got people on social media talking. Trump, who peppered his debate with a lot of his favorite buzzwords, brought out a considerable number of things you’d find on conservative Facebook in sparring with Joe Biden. But one thing he mentioned during a talk about immigration got people upset, and a little bewildered, was when Trump mentioned “coyotes” carrying immigrants across the U.S./Mexican border.

“These children are brought here by coyotes and lots of bad people, cartels, and they used to use them to get into our country,” Trump said.

Some were confused by the remark. But as many people fact-checked online, “coyote” is a term used for someone who smuggles others across the border, often for pay. Several people were quick to fact check the statement online, though it didn’t make people feel any better about the remark.

The line came in a narrative that Trump enforced, similar to what he said about Mexican immigrants when he first announced he ran for president four years ago, that “rapists” and “murderers” were coming through the border to harm Americans. Trump’s “coyotes” comment also came when talking about the more than 500 children that were reportedly separated from their parents and have not been reunited. That got Avengers star Mark Ruffalo upset online as well.

Others made note that it was about children at the border as well.

Many thought that, the way Trump said it, he was talking about actual coyotes.

In general, though, people really wanted to make jokes and struggled to find moments for it on Thursday.

In a debate that didn’t have the massive fireworks of the first, it was certainly a remark that, for better or worse, stood out.