In what should come as no surprise given his extensive history of saying awful things about women and their bodies, it came out Friday that Donald Trump reportedly made degrading remarks about youngest Kardashian sister, Khloe Kardashia , while she was a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice. If you’ll recall, Kardashian appeared on the series’ eighth season in 2009, alongside fellow celebs such as Dennis Rodman, Tom Green, Brande Roderick, Andrew Dice Clay, and Joan Rivers, who won the season.
According to The Huffington Post, which spoke with anonymous sources behind the scenes, Trump had an axe to grind with Kardashian, complaining to producers about the reality star’s looks. Khloe has always been bullied for not fitting into the same physical mold as her famous sisters, although many hold the opinion that she’s the best one out of all of them.
“He basically wanted to just get rid of her,” an editor on the show recalled. “He called her a ‘piglet.’” The editor said that Trump asked: “What is this? We can’t even get the hot one?” ― in reference to Kardashian’s sister, Kim.
A second source at “The Apprentice” confirmed the incident, using similar words to describe what Trump said about the Kardashians. “He said: ‘Why don’t we fire Khloe? She is a fat piglet. Why did we get the ugly Kardashian?’”
A third source, another editor, recalled the firing as being notable because of how personal Trump made it. “When they fired [her], it wasn’t on merit,” the editor said. “It was on him not liking her.” The editor said that Trump went to the staff and asked: “What’s the reason we can get her off [the show]?”
Kardashian ended up being the seventh person fired, a little less than halfway into the season. If her sister Kim hadn’t already sworn her vote to Hillary, you have to think this probably would have done it.
(Via The Huffington Post)