Here’s An Exclusive Preview of DC’s Most Fascinating Book: ‘Phantom Stranger’ #15′

The Phantom Stranger has not been dealing with the events of Forever Evil that well, although to be fair he’s better off than a lot of people. Even so, fighting Blight isn’t easy… especially when your boss tells you to pitch in and help the personification of hatred out, as we see in this exclusive preview of Phantom Stranger #15

The Phantom Stranger has been one of DC’s odder and more fascinating books of late. The basic premise is that the Stranger is Judas, condemned to roam the Earth and heavens with his thirty pieces of silver tied around his neck. The Stranger comes to realize that he’s doing God’s dirty work, setting people up for betrayal… and as much as he wants those pieces of silver off his neck, he’s getting sick of the moral costs.

The result is a surprisingly complex and heartfelt exploration of faith from longtime writer J.M. DeMatteis, and supported with clever, ephemeral art by Fernando Blanco. It’s a genuinely thoughtful book that isn’t afraid of big issues… or, for that matter, massive superhero fights. Both are on display in this preview; you can get the full story next week.