Here Are All Of The Insane 2014 Black Friday Fight Videos You Need Today

How was your Thanksgiving? I ate loads too much, drank a bunch of mulled cider with bourbon and slept in a little bit this morning. I feel kind of fat and groggy today, but it was totally worth it. Some people, however, decided to spend their Thanksgiving by joining their fellow Americans in being the worst ever by flooding retail outlets and brawling with each other to save a few bucks on toys and electronics.

If you’re one of the ones sensibly relaxing on your day off, planning to shop online on Cyber Monday — or even better, locally on Small Business Saturday — here’s the best of the worst we could round up.

In this video taken at a Walmart in Michigan City, Indiana, this homeboy in a Chicago Bears jersey almost knocks someone’s cart over trying to wrestle his hands on a Sony speaker set:

Not sure where this one geographically took place, but here’s a dude getting tased at another Walmart:

Hell, even the Brits got into the action this year. Here are two men duking it out in Tesco over a TV set:

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At another Walmart (figures), here are people literally draping themselves over a TV on the floor:

This is only the ensuing news coverage, but two California women actually got into a fistfight over a Barbie Doll. Seems reasonable.

Stay safe, everybody. It’s rough out there.