Joe Rogan Is Big Mad That CNN Said He Took ‘Horse Dewormer’ Because ‘I Can Afford People Medicine, Motherf*cker’

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not authorized Ivermectin for use in preventing or treating COVID-19. It says so right on their website — and in the viral tweet, “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.” But that hasn’t stopped who-knows how many people from taking Ivermectin, including Joe Rogan.

After testing positive for COVID-19, Rogan said he “immediately threw the kitchen sink at it,” including Ivermectin. He was roundly mocked by medical professionals and news networks (and most of Twitter) for putting horse dewormer into his “5 foot 3” body. “Bro, do I have to sue CNN?” he said on The Joe Rogan Experience. “They’re making sh*t up… They keep saying I’m taking horse dewormer. I literally got it from a doctor. It’s an American company. They won the Nobel Prize in 2015 for use in human beings and CNN is saying I’m taking horse dewormer. They must know that’s a lie.”

Rogan had Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN’s chief medical correspondent, on Wednesday’s episode of his podcast, and things got tense when the host brought up the networks’s claim that he took “horse dewormer” as a COVID treatment. “By the way, I’m glad you’re better,” Gupta said, to which Rogan replied, “Thank you. You’re probably the only one at CNN who’s glad… The rest of them are all lying about me taking horse medication.”

“That bothered you,” Gupta said, grinning.

“It should bother you too,” Rogan shot back. “They’re lying at your network about people taking human drugs versus drugs for veterinary.”

“Calling it a ‘horse dewormer’ is not the most flattering thing, I get that,” Gupta conceded.

“It’s a lie,” Rogan pushed back. “It’s a lie on a news network… and it’s a lie that they’re conscious of. It’s not a mistake. They’re unfavorably framing it as veterinary medicine.”

Rogan continued, “Why would they lie and say that’s horse dewormer? I can afford people medicine, motherf*cker. It’s ridiculous! It’s just a lie! Don’t you think that a lie like that is dangerous on a news network when you know that they know they’re lying?… Do you think that that’s a problem that your news network lies?” Dr. Gupta admitted that “they shouldn’t have said that” (even though it’s not a lie — Ivermectin is used to treat parasitic worms in horses), but I’m having a hard time getting over:

“I can afford people medicine, motherf*cker.”

Must be nice. Dr. Gupta also wrote about his experience on The Joe Rogan Experience (“Friends tried to get me to turn down his invite”), which you can read below.

(Via Mediaite)