Larry The Cable Guy Gives The Opposite Of A Clinton Endorsement With A Poop Analogy, Of Course

While making the rounds for his new stand-up comedy special with Jeff Foxworthy, totally-not-a-character Larry the Cable Guy stopped by Fox & Friends on Fox News on Tuesday. So yes, the 2016 presidential election came up in conversation, and yes, Larry isn’t Hillary Clinton‘s biggest fan. Nor is he a wholly committed supporter of Republican nominee Donald Trump. Yet that didn’t stop the Blue Collar Comedy Tour star from deliver one of this year’s most awkward — yet surprisingly tame — explanations as to why voters shouldn’t side with the former U.S. Secretary of State.

“I know who I’m not voting for,” Larry told co-host Brian Kilmeade. “I’ll give you the initials: Hillary Clinton.” When pressed further later on in the interview, the comedian suggested Clinton’s election would signal “the end of the country.”

As for why Larry specifically dislikes Clinton, and his refusal to endorse Trump wholeheartedly, the comic blamed the election’s “crazy” choice:

“This election is so crazy. I want a change. I like Trump, some of the things he says. He’s outrageous, so you just don’t know. It’s kind of like, the choice is … let’s see. Do I want to poop my pants, or do I want somebody else to poop my pants? I don’t know, I think I’ll go with pooping my own pants.”

“I don’t know if that gives you an answer,” Larry said while addressing some laughing crew members behind the camera. “That kind of keeps you thinking.”

Yes it does, Larry, but mostly about poop.