A California Photographer Is Volunteering Her Services To Give Homeless Women Free Maternity Portraits

As a mother, photographer Keri Vaca knew being pregnant can mess with a woman’s body image and self-esteem. Coupled with the added stress of poverty and homelessness, many women in such a situation would find their pregnancies stressful and even depressing. But Vaca had an opportunity to treat some women in the Homeless Prenatal Program to free maternity photo shoots that made them feel beautiful and cared for during a time when they truly needed some moral support.

“My goal first and foremost is to give them photos [that will make them] go, ‘Wow, I looked pretty. I looked beautiful,’ ” explained Vaca. …

“I want the whole experience to feel like something really special from start to finish. I want it to be a like a present.”

The women had access to Vaca’s own maternity wardrobe and could take home their pictures on one condition: they attend the prenatal classes provided to them through the duration of their pregnancies; upon giving birth, they receive five to seven prints of their best shots and their favorite one in a frame.

And the results have been very positive. The subjects are always surprised that they look so good in the photos but also probably feel like they can rise to the very challenging occasion of childbirth and parenting when things are difficult. It’s difficult enough when you have financial stability. Even if it was just a tiny boost, these women deserved what little Vaca could give.

To see more shots of Vaca’s work with the women, visit the Small Miracles Photography website.

(Via Daily Dot)