This Naked Guy Perched On His Car Roof Amidst Highway Traffic Because ‘Everybody Hurts’

Sitting immobile in traffic can drive most mentally stable people into a frenzy. For the rest of us, there’s little hope but to surrender into our own private Idahos. On Tuesday morning, Highway 1-95 in West Haven, Connecticut parted when a solitary man interrupted the morning traffic flow. In a strange scene, the man stripped naked and perched atop his vehicle. There he sat until police took him into custody and escorted him for a hospital evaluation.

With all due credit to Death and Taxes, the man may have performed an x-rated homage to R.E.M.’s “Everybody Hurts” music video. After all, this stretch of Highway 1-95 is known for unruly traffic delays. This vulnerable fellow may have experienced a mental break, or perhaps he simply commented upon the Kafka-esque nature of our contemporary existence.

(via Death and Taxes)