This Old Couple Celebrating Their 57th Anniversary Proves True Love Is No Myth

It’s hard to believe that true love still exists in this day and age, where naked dating reality shows are the norm and unbelievably nitpicky men think they have a legit shot at finding “the one.” But miraculously enough it does, and a sweet, old Georgia couple that just celebrated their 57th anniversary is living proof.

James “Jim” Russell and his wife Elinor — who’ve known each other “since she was in pigtails” — have never been the type of lovebirds to go all out for their anniversary, content with just spending time together in a low-key, nonchalant kind of way. This year, however, Jim wanted to do something for his lifelong partner, especially since she’s been in cooped up in the hospital for the last few weeks.

With the help of other family members, Jim put together an adorable present for Elinor. On May 20th, he took her by total surprise as he strolled into her hospital room, dressed sharply in a tuxedo and bearing gifts of chocolate and flowers. Their granddaughter Reid was on hand to capture the beautiful moment (the emojis are so accurate in this case):

They went on to spend the rest of the day watching TV and chatting over a meal, altogether having a “wonderful time,” according to Elinor. “Being in a hospital bed you get bored, so when they came in, it made me smile like the younger days when we were dancing,” she told ABC News. Aww, gosh.

(Via Huffington Post and ABC News)