Yet Another Ex-GOP Operative Is Gleefully Trashing ‘Politically Stupid And Strategically Dumb’ Steve Bannon

As Donald Trump and his sycophantic MAGA World continue to crumble, which has not halted his presidential ambitions, the knives are coming out for the former president’s number one adviser: Steve Bannon. Gun-loving GOP staple Dana Loesch recently blasted Bannon on her show, and she’s clearly done pretending he’s some sort of master strategist with his “War Room” podcast that continues to host only loyal Trump acolytes like Marjorie Taylor Greene.

According to Loesch, if Bannon — or “Sloppy Steve” as she calls him — had been running things going into the midterm elections, the results would have been even worse for the GOP who failed to produce a red wave because of Trump’s meddling. Via Media Matters:

Had Sloppy Steve Bannon gotten his way, Mr. War Room, you would’ve had Greitens in Missouri and you would’ve lost that damn Senate seat. I’ve never met anyone so politically stupid and strategically dumb in my entire life, and rides the coattails of everyone else, and people just fall for it. It’s amazing. But I can say this having known the guy for over a decade.

Loesch joins a growing line of GOP operatives who are tired of Bannon, Trump, and their Big Lie nonsense. While interviewing Bannon at a Kari Lake event for Showtime’s The Circus, former GOP adviser Tim Miller cut the whole thing short after calling out Bannon to his face for pushing election fraud conspiracy theories.

“You don’t really believe this sh*t?” Miller asked. When Bannon replied, “100 percent,” Miller unloaded. “People stormed the Capitol over this sh*t, dude. These are lies!”

(Via Media Matters)