Watch Surveillance Footage Of Jamie Lynn Spears Using A Huge Knife To Break Up A Pita Pit Brawl

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It looks like some assistant manager at the Hammond, Louisiana Pita Pit is going to be able to retire early. TMZ was able to obtain footage of the incident that went down last month, in which Britney Spears’ little sister Jamie Lynn used a knife to break up a fight at the restaurant..

Although we didn’t have many details before, it seems Jamie Lynn’s friend got caught up in a brawl that erupted between a bunch of guys in the middle of the restaurant. So they weren’t directly involved, and unfortunately just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. But that didn’t stop Jamie Lynn from doing what any good friend would do: calmly march behind the counter and grab the biggest knife she could find. The Pita Pit employee blocked her from walking out from behind the counter with it, so instead she just waved it at the guys until they broke it up.

Uhhh. I never thought I’d say this, but Jamie Lynn Spears is kind of a total badass. I hereby call for her name to replace Chuck Norris’ in all memes going forward.