The Weather Channel Website Is Trolling The Heck Out Of Trump For Dropping The Paris Climate Agreement

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Needless to say, a lot of people are mad online about Donald Trump officially announcing his decision to pull the United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement on Thursday. The news isn’t surprising, as rumors of the president’s intentions were reported earlier this week. He also repeatedly promised to renegotiate, or outright cancel, the country’s involvement in the accords during his time on the campaign trail. Yet the internet is still angry, causing many to express their distaste for the drastic policy change with various trollings.

Like whoever is running the official website of the Weather Channel,, which reorganized its layout slightly to stick it to Trump. Several users on Twitter began reporting the alterations during the official White House press conference from the Rose Garden, where Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and EPA Administrator Scott Pruit commented on the decision.

Notice anything about the eight articles listed below the main “BREAKING NOW” story on the homepage?

If you enhance the image just a bit, you’ll see that the first article, “So, What Happens to Earth Now?” promises to layout the effects of climate change. Beginning with the second, “Still Don’t Care? Proof You Should,” the next six links offer readers plenty of evidence for the reality of climate change and its ill effects. The eighth and final one links to Trump’s official announcement.

Twitter, despite its general irritation, was beside itself with a fleeting moment of mild schadenfreude.